Fadu and her mother speak at NGO meeting in Geneva, at the United Nations Building

In a quiet corner at the United Nations building in Geneva where the annual Human Rights Commission meeting is taking place, sunlight brightened the marble floor through the large window. Little Fadu, who turned four years old on April 3rd, was excitedly watching a pretty peacock just outside of the window. A few peacocks are raised in the garden of the building, bringing some liveliness and relaxation to a place filled with politics.
The peacock stood in front of Fadu and extended its colourful tail, showing its blue and green feathers to this little girl dressed in red. Her mother, Ms. Dai Zhizhen, standing by the large window a few meters away with her hand on the baby cart, had a slight smile on her face. She looked at her little daughter and shared her happiness.
Though Fadu is only four years old, she is already a regular visitor to the United Nations in Geneva. In March 2002, when she was not yet 2 years old, she and her mother came to Geneva for the first time. On the day the United Nations Commission of Human Rights meeting began, Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a press conference on the square. From there, people heard the story of Ms. Dai for the first time.
"My husband Chen Chengyong was persecuted to death because he appealed for Falun Gong. He was only 34 years old. Even today, I still don't know how and why he was killed. In July 2001, I learned that he was dead. His sister, who claimed the body from the police, was also detained in a brainwashing class because she practiced Falun Gong exercises. Later she was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor without a legal trial. Chen's father couldn't bear the news of the death of his son and detention of his daughter; he fell ill and was sent to the emergency room. But the authorities didn't allow his daughter to visit him and finally, he died in deep sadness. Within three months, a family was broken." Trying hard to hold her tears back, Ms. Dai talked about her family and asked China to stop the persecution to the spectators who were also in tears.
Two more years passed and this is the third time the family came to the United Nations Commission of Human Rights meeting. The story about Dai Zhizhen and little Fadu is known to many attendees at the meeting. On April 1st, Ms. Dai and Fadu participated in a women's human rights discussion. Dai told the audience more about her family.
"You have already heard my experiences. Today I have more to tell you. My mother passed away yesterday. She died of disease in China but I could not go back to see her for the last time and I can't participate in the funeral." Dai said.
"My daughter asked me why couldn't we go back to China. I said because we couldn't get a visa to China. She asked again why we couldn't get a visa. I said because we practice Falun Gong exercises. She continued to ask why people practicing Falun Gong couldn't get visa. I cried. I really don't know how to explain that to a three-year-old."
When Dai was speaking, little Fadu quietly sat in the baby cart beside her mother and concentrated on eating bread. This is her happy childhood. She has followed her mother in the baby cart from one country to another, attending one meeting after another. Ms. Dai has been talking about her family tragedy to political leaders, media and non-governmental organisations around the world, calling on the world's people to help stop the Jiang group's persecution of Falun Gong.
See the full report at Minghui.org.